Sunday, October 26, 2014

Final Post of Shindig:

I know, this is really late and quite overdue! The past couple of weeks I have been very busy with coordinating our church's World Missions Conference (more on that later) and although I have had this post partially finished and in 'drafts' for a long time I simply have not been able to finish and publish it until this evening. So, here is my "better late than never!" final post of the Shindig...

We had a really great time.....

~time spent together!~

~lots of fellowhip!~
(This is the 'Vendor Hall' which
stayed very busy)

~more fellowship along
with fun and games~

~beautiful weather and 
traveling safety~

~many other inspiring sessions 
besides what I have shared here~

                                                                     ~the music~

 ~and laughter~

~making new friends~

~and learning much that
God wanted to teach us~

And here is my closing message, which was actually the final message of the Shindig and a great way to sum up all of the other messages and the prevailing theme of "I Will Follow Jesus!" 

"Direction From God" -Joshua Steele

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths."
  • God is proactive in directing our paths, He inserts Himself into our life. Matthew 4:19
  • God characterizes Himself as our Father. Galatians 4:6
  • God's general will is defined in scripture, but His specific will varies from person to person.          
 - A son or daughter of God will be led by God's Spirit. Romans 8:14                                          
 - Do not expect God to lead you in a specific area if you are rebelling against or neglecting  His      
 general commands that are found in scripture. (Prayer, Bible reading, witnessing,  making  disciples, exercising agape love, etc.)

  • God teaches, trains and guides us that we can make wise and mature decisions. Psalm 1            
  - God's ultimate goal is to conform us to the image of Christ and He is glorified when we make the right decisions.
  - If you want direction from God you must acknowledge God in your life. James 4:19               
  •  - You must be willing to stand alone and to be different.                                                            
    - Do you know God's voice? John 10:2-4                                                                                      
   - Let God worry about the talking, you worry about listening for His voice and then obeying it.
  • The key is not to follow all the right steps, but to listen.                                                          
  • God wants us to be satisfied with Him as our Savior.                                                                  
  • For further study see; Romans 12:1,2, Ephesians 5:8-10, Acts 16:7-10 Acts                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                                    5 Steps to Consider      
  1. Openly acknowledge God, seeking to honor Him in all things.
  2. Check to see if you are violating any known commands of scripture and then correct these areas as God reveals them to you.
  3. Ask for specific direction through prayer but be willing to wait for His answer in His time.
  4. Move forward by faith serving God and proving His will where able.
  5. Be willing to adjust your course no matter what happens and believe that He will direct your path.                                                                                                                                                
- The end goal is not building a program, furthering your own plans and dreams, building a name or legacy for yourself, but following God's will and glorifying Him through obedience.    
- Do not forget how God has guided you in the past.                
- He will lead you all the way until you step into eternity! Colossians 1:9-10                              
- There are two questions to be asking yourself;
      1) Am I being faithful to obey God's known commands? And
      2) If yes, what step do I need to take in doing something for God?                                          


 The morning following this message I read Proverbs 15 and two verses jumped off of the page at me they fit so well with this theme. Verse 19 says, "The way of the slothful man is an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain."  In my journal I had written, If I am being lazy, not doing what I know to do then I have noright to see the path made plain before me. But when I walk in righteousness, obeying what I know I am supposed to do then God has promised to make my path clear. Step out in bold faith and joyful action trusting God to direct, lead and guide you. And then verse 33, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and before honor comes humility." Before the great, honorable task comes the daily, humble ones.                             

Well, that is all I will be posting from our Shindig adventures, but I hope these messages have been an encouragement and blessing to you as they were to me!  A huge thank you goes to No Greater Joy Ministries for a truly amazing week!