This is the table where incense and candles are burned
Many people who come to this place believe that the rocks have special healing powers. You can see in this picture where people have scooped out the rock, which seemed to be some kind of sandstone. They then mix the grit with water and drink it hoping it will cure their illness.
Along the way there are many statues, meant to depict the trial, sufferings and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, climaxing with His body lying in the tomb. We realized that there was no empty tomb, and no ascension into Heaven and the thought was very sad to me. What would the gospel be without a resurrected Lord? Where is our hope if there is nothing after the grave?
I am so thankful to know that we serve a Risen Savior! The tomb was not the end, Jesus Christ is alive! He is in Heaven offering that same abundant and eternal life to all those that will repent of their sins and believe on Him. We have a blessed hope!
"I serve a risen Savior/ He's in the world today
I know that He is with me/ whatever men may say
I see His hand of mercy/ I hear His voice of cheer
None other is so loving/ so good and kind
He lives, He lives/ Christ Jesus lives today!"