October 2-5, 2015
Recently, I had the opportunity to go on a Dental Mission Trip to Beattyville, Kentucky (a little over an hour Southeast of Lexington). The dental care we were offering to folks was simply a tool used to bring them in and show them the love of Christ in order to share the gospel with them. We met the physical needs that many of them had, but our ultimate goal was to meet the spiritual needs. Although I only knew a few of the people who were also going, it was an amazing group of servant-hearted, ministry-minded people and the time fellowshipping with old friends and making new ones was wonderful! The Clinic was held at the Kentucky Mountain Mission and Youth Haven Bible Camp. It was a beautiful place, and a great work for the gospel is going on at this camp. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this trip, and pray that God was able to use our efforts to encourage the believers and further the gospel. If you want to see pictures from our weekend in the Bluegrass State I put together a slideshow which you can see on my Google+ page. Hope you enjoy!

The Team
The "Clinic"
People waiting to be seen
Beautiful Kentucky!
Doesn't this look so fun?!
Hope you all have a great day! -Lindsay
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